Задание 3 в устной части ОГЭ представляет собой монолог. От студента требуется построить связное высказывание на заданную тему. Для ответа предлагается план высказывания, включающий в себя четыре пункта. При ответе на вопрос нужно обязательно следовать предложенному плану и ничего не пропускать, так как это приведет к снижению баллов. Максимальный балл за данное задание – 7.
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about keeping fit. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10–12 sentences). Remember to say:
You have to talk continuously.
Наша тема – Keeping fit с акцентом на спорте. Прежде чем начать планировать ответ, рассмотрим само задание и подумаем, что можно сказать по каждому пункту.
Why is doing sport very important for modern teenagers?
Ideas: It’s essential for our health. / Our lifestyle is mostly sedentary, so we need to be more physically active. / Sport is a great way to make friends.
What else besides sport do young people do to keep fit?
Ideas: Teenagers eat healthy food. / Teenagers walk more. / Teenagers sleep 7-8 hours a day. / Drink a lot of water.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Ideas: I’m fond of … in my free time because …
What’s your attitude to doing sports activities?
Ideas: Sport plays an important role in our lives. It helps us to keep fit / stay healthy / feel full of energy / feel happier / relieve stress.
Итак, идеи у нас есть. Теперь нужно понять, как построить высказывание и какие из приведенных идей нам подойдут. Для этого обратимся к критериям оценивания данного задания (Демо версия 2023).
Таким образом, наше высказывание будет иметь следующий вид:
I’m going to talk about keeping fit. (Вступительная фраза с темой высказывания) I think doing sport is one of the best ways of staying healthy and fit. (Делаем плавный переход к первому пункту плана.) And it’s especially important for teenagers. They usually spend a lot of time sitting down when they are at school or at home when they are doing homework. So, they need to be physically active. (Объясняем почему спорт важен для подростков.) Apart from sport, young people eat healthy food and sleep 7-8 hours a night if they want to keep fit. When you do sport, eat healthily and spend enough time sleeping, you have a lot of energy to achieve your goals. (Отвечаем на второй вопрос и обосновываем, почему это важно.) Personally, I do exercise every morning and go swimming twice a week. Actually, swimming is my favourite free-time activity. (Хоть хобби и могут быть совершенно разными, но нам будет гораздо проще связать спортивные увлечения с нашей основной темой. Тогда не нужно будет думать, как связать одно с другим.) It’s fun and I feel that I’m getting stronger. (Объясняем почему нам нравится это занятие.) To sum up, I think sport is essential for us. It helps us to keep fit, feel more energetic and it also influences our mood. (Подводим итог и объясняем, как мы относимся к спорту.) So, that’s all I wanted to say. (Заключительная фраза.)
I’m going to speak about …
I’m going to talk about …
I’d like to talk about …
I think … / I (strongly) believe … / I guess …
Personally, I think …
In my opinion, …
To my mind, …
I’m sure that …
First(ly), … / Second(ly), …
Also, … / Besides … / What’s more, …
However, …
On the one hand, … / On the other hand, …
As for …,
In conclusion, …
To sum up, …
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about animals. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes (10––12 sentences). Remember to say:
You have to talk continuously.
I’m going to speak about wild animals. I live in the south of Russia. There aren’t any large wild animals, like bears or wolves, in my region, but there are lots of different species of birds, fish and small mammals. Although some people keep wild animals as pets, I don’t think it’s a good idea because such animals need special diet and exercise. Besides, it can be dangerous to keep a wild animal at home. But if you are interested in animals and want to learn more about them, you can always go to the zoo. Almost every big city has one. Zoos are places which protect endangered and rare animals and also offer entertainment to the visitors. However, I’m against zoos and I think they should be banned. To my mind, nature reserves are better places for animal protection than zoos and I strongly believe that animals must live in the wild. So, that’s all I wanted to say.
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