В задании 2 вам дается коммуникативная ситуация: вы собираетесь что-то приобрести, куда-либо поехать, посетить музей и хотите выяснить подробности. Надо задать 4 прямых вопроса по ключевым фразам.
1. duration of the tour;
2. price for the one;
3. student discounts;
4. special equipment needed.
1. В первом вопросе важно указать конкретную ситуацию, далее уже понятно, о чем речь:
duration of the tour: How long does the tour to the mountains last? How long will the tour to the mountains last? How long is the tour to the mountains?
2. price for one: How much does the tour cost for one person? How much is the tour for one person?
3. student discounts: Are there student discounts (available)? Do you offer any student discounts?
4. special equipment needed: Is (any) special equipment needed?
Is there a swimming pool (available) in your hotel? Is delivery available? Are there any sports facilities available?
What courses are available at (your school)? What equipment is available? What transport is available?
Where is the (museum) located? Where is the (museum)?
Are there any age limitations/restrictions?
What is the delivery time of the …?
What payment methods/options are available?
What is the membership/admission/tuition/entrance fee? How much does it cost? How much is the ticket? (only for admission/tuition fee)
Are there (any) group discounts? Do you have any discounts for groups?
Is it possible to book (tickets) online? Can I book (tickets) online?
What skills are needed?
How long is the (course)? How long will the course last? How long does the course last?
Are special clothes needed? Is it necessary to bring special clothes? Do I need to bring special clothes? Should I bring special clothes?
What are the working/opening hours? When does (the cafe) open and close?
How much is it per one/per hour? How much does it cost per one/hour?
How much does the delivery cost? How much is the delivery?
How many (students) are there in a group? How many students will be there in a group?
What colours are available? What colour options are available?
What is the size of the (tablet)?
What kind of accommodation do you offer?
Is (breakfast) included in the (price)? Are (textbooks) included in the (course)?
Do you accept (credit cards)? Are (credit cards) accepted?
What facilities do you offer? What (sports) facilities do you have? Are there any (sports) facilities?
Переходим к заданию 3, где надо развернуто ответить на 5 вопросов интервью. Если ответ неполный, менее двух предложений, а они считаются по паре подлежащее+сказуемое, или с базовыми ошибками, он не будет засчитан.
Образец ответов на пять вопросов по теме – Отношение подростков к местным достопримечательностям из демо-версии.
-What are some of the places of interest in your region? Why should a tourist see them?
–Tourist attractions in my region are mostly scenic spots like caves, nature reserves, waterfalls, hiking trails and beaches. Other types can be amusement parks or museums. Tourists will love visiting them because they are beautiful and entertaining.
Можно перефразировать, как в данном развернутом ответе, но не обязательно. Важно, чтобы вопрос считывался из ответа, а в причинах не используем самое избитое – because it’s interesting.
-Is it important to preserve historical places? Why or why not?
–As for me, I believe it is important to preserve historical places because if we don’t, we will forget about our past.
Такого ответа будет достаточно, хорошо использовать связки, не запрещено в ответе подтягивать грамматику и лексику из вопроса, так вы точно не запутаетесь. Можно добавить больше причин. One more reason is that they often look authentic and atmospheric.
-What is your favourite place in your home town? Why do you like it?
–As for my hometown, my favourite place is the beach with the embankment. I enjoy going for long walks and taking photos there. Краткий вариант, который подойдет, следим за правильностью: I like/enjoy doing.
-What sort of places will be interesting for people in the future? Why do you think so?
–I think people in the future will be still interested in something natural or cultural. They will be living in hi-tech cities, surrounded by glass, metal and concrete. So, beautiful locations worth exploring like a wildlife park or a unique architectural landmark will be attractive for them. Хорошо показать умение использовать конструкции с будущими временами, помним про why и даем обоснование.
–How can we make teenagers be more interested in local culture?
-We can make teenagers be more interested in local culture if we install some interactive exhibits in their hometown museums because young people love technology.
Одно длинное предложение, но в нем не менее двух простых.
Наконец, пошаговый пример ответа на задание 4 – это проект, где вы записываете голосовое сообщение другу, объясняя выбор фото. Важно: друг не видит иллюстрации, вы их описываете для него. Постарайтесь минимально сказать по каждому пункту, так как надо уложиться в три минуты.
Hi, Max! As for our school project “Sports activities”, you know, I have found some photos. Let me tell you about them.
In the first picture I can see a young man playing football on a kind of an outdoor sports ground. It looks like the weather is nice and warm, and he is enjoying this physical activity. In the second photo there is a teenage girl wearing a swimming suit and a cap who is happily climbing out of the pool after having a swim.
However, there are certain differences between the photos. In the first picture the young man is doing his activity outside, whereas the girl is going in for sports inside. Also, while the footballer is still in the process of kicking the ball and looks focused, the girl has already finished swimming and now seems to be relaxed and smiling.
Both sports activities have some advantages. For example, playing football allows people to enjoy being outdoors more, which is a great way to stay healthy. As for swimming, you can engage into it practically in any season and weather conditions.
However, both activities have their disadvantages. Talking about football, I’d say one of the main bad points is that this is a team sport and you probably won’t enjoy it a lot if you are kicking the ball on your own. As for swimming, it can take a lot of time just to get to the facility, have a shower, get dressed into the swimming outfit and dry your hair afterwards.
Personally, I’d prefer to go swimming because you don’t have to depend on other people and it’s a perfect exercise for someone who studies a lot during the day.
That’s all for now. Please, give me some feedback. Bye!
Надеюсь, пошаговые примеры для подготовки к устной части ЕГЭ-2024 по английскому были полезны. Успехов в подготовке!