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Акция! Набор на курс CELTA Part-Time Online | 15 марта - 18 мая 2025


CELTA Cambridge certificate in Moscow, Rostov, Krasnodar and Sevastopol

Requirements course's:​

Age: from 18 years

Level: С1 (Advanced) or С2 (Proficiency)



Course price:

On request


Full-time  – 4 weeks;

CELTA course is available
in three forms of studying:

CELTA intensive

4 weeks of intensive work
face-to-face with tutors

CELTA online

4 weeks of intensive work
100% online

CELTA part-time

10 weeks of studying face-to-face
with tutors

CELTA course advantages ​

It is the most recognized education program for the English language teachers at the international level

This certificate will help you to get a teaching position almost in any part of the world.

CELTA is a course of the University of Cambridge and has been held for more than 40 years 

CELTA course represents a practical course based on the real teaching experience in the class, working with real students.

CELTA is a certificate of the University of Cambridge for the English language teachers teaching the adults. De facto it is a standard for the English language teachers all over the world, provides an opportunity to work in the USA and Europe. It is a four-week course with final qualification at the end of the 4th week. The main focus is made on the practical part of teaching. Education is only in English.

 The course is designed for the teachers, who plan to work abroad, wish to improve their qualification under modern conditions, for those, who master the English language, but have no pedagogical education (for example, interpreters), also for those, who plan to get Delta diploma of the University of Cambridge.

course CELTA

What does a teacher need CELTA for?

You will get a large experience in teaching methods. No matter, whether you have been teaching for 9 months or 9 years, you will get a large practical experience to increase your level to maximum. CELTA course will provide you with confidence, experience and know-how to take your teaching to a new level. In this respect CELTA course in this respect is way ahead of other TESOL courses: CELTA is strictly regulated by the University of Cambridge, which ensures that the course tutors, education programme and centre adhere to their high quality standards. You can be certain of the quality of any CELTA course of the University of Cambridge. CELTA tutors are the best in TESOL field: they have many years of experience in teaching and sufficient knowledge in this field to become a CELTA tutor.

CELTA in teacher traning centre

Teachers from all over the world are trained for getting CELTA certificate in our centre, and more than 1000 people have already passed the training so far!

Course payment by installment is foreseen


Full advisory and organizational support throughout the course



Course duration is 120 academic hours + individual work. Daily schedule foresees 7-8 hours education from Monday to Friday. However, preparation for the lessons and written works fulfillment, as well as observation, is beyond this schedule.

12.00 – 21.00

For course attendance you shall be not younger than 18 years old, English level — С1 (Advanced) or С2 (Proficiency) Grades A or B.

The results of trainees’ work are continuously evaluated during the whole course. Special attention is paid to teaching potential revealing. Upon the course termination the successful trainees get CELTA Pass, CELTA В, CELTA A certificates.

CELTA certificate

Who needs CELTA certificate?

CELTA course is oriented to the following specialists:

  • teachers, who plan to continue their teaching activity in the educational institutions of Europe and the USA;
  • English language teachers, who want to improve their qualification according to the international teaching quality standards;
  • specialists from adjacent fields, who intend to change their profession to an English teacher according to modern teaching standards.

Getting CELTA certificate is a significant step for those, who plan to get DELTA diploma of the University of Cambridge.

CELTA full-time


Yuliana Chernikova​
Scientific degree in English Philology, Teacher of English since 1990, Teacher trainer and Director of Studies (EF English First, Language Link) since 2003, CELTA tutor since 2011 and Delta tutor since 2012. Young Learners Tutor (CELTA YL Extension, CELT-P, CELT-S). International experience in running Cellta Vietnam, China, Thailand, Bangladesh (British Council), Bahrain, India, Moscow.
Olga Stolbova
CELTA, DELTA (local tutor)

Preparation course for CELTA online

After completing the course, you will definitely be ready to take the CELTA and receive a certificate.

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