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Акция! Набор на курс CELTA Part-Time Online | 15 марта - 18 мая 2025
For English teachers

Online preparation for TKT

5 international Cambridge certificates in your portfolio after 10 weeks of lessons
TKT online

Convenient format of the lessons

Online lessons. You don’t need to spend time and money on travel.

International recognition

TKT proves your knowledge and experience in the international English language teaching methodology.

A unique cours

The course has been developed by our methodologists with consideration of all the nuances of the Cambridge TKT exam.

Teaching Knowledge Test is an international exam on methodology of English language teaching. The exam has been developed by the non-commercial division of the Cambridge Assessment English.

TKT is a great preparation track for the future CELTA course as it covers completely its theoretical part. This exam is recommended for the beginning teachers as it tests the basic

teaching knowledge.

Recommended level of English: B1/Intermediate and higher.

TKT Certificate

What will the course allow you to do?

To save time

Our course allows to get the knowledge that is not included in the university programmes in short time.

To widen your professional horizons

With TKT you can continue developing your professional qualification.

To receive an international certificate

You will easily get a high score on TKT and receive an international teaching qualification.

To grow professionally

You will get a chance for professional growth and getting a higher salary

To get topical knowledge

During the course you will learn about the main trends in the modern teaching methodology and receive practical skills that can be used in your own lessons. Moreover, you will get a chance to practice speaking English with your colleagues, other teacher of English

To systemize the knowledge

You will be able to structuralize and systemize your English language teaching methodology

The main TKT modules

  • Description of language and language skills;
  • Theory of language learning and acquisition of
  • Theory of teaching language.
  • Planning a lesson or lessons;
  • Selecting and using materials and resources in preparing lessons.
  • Grading the language;
  • Basics of classroom management.
TKT Certificate

TKT Modules 1, 2, 3

What does the delivery of TKT give

The lessons are taking place in Zoom, one webinar a week. All the participants will receive a practical hometask that is discussed in the following lesson. The course programme includes theory and practice that teachers can use in their own lessons. All the lessons are in English.

The length of the course is 32 academic hours.

What are the benefits of TKT?

  • Internationally recognized qualification;
  • Systematized and structurulized knowledge of methodology;
  • It is a challenge;
  • TKT allows you to reconsider your teaching aims and objectives and to look at the teaching process from a different angle.

Exam format:

Language and background to language learning and teaching

Lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching

Managing the teaching and learning process

Each module consists of 80 questions and is 80 mins long.

Each correct answer gives you one point. Each module is assessed separately and for each of them a certificate is issued.

The possible results of the exam are:

Band 1 — limited knowledge of the subject area;
Band 2 — basis systemic knowledge of the area;
Band 3 — good knowledge of the area;
Band 4 — deep and extensive knowledge of the area.

Registration for the exam:

The candidate independently registers for the exam. The price of the exam is not included.
Timetable for Rostov-on-Don.
You can pass TKT in any authorized Cambridge center in your city.

Course content:

TKT Module 1

Session 1  (4 ac hours)

1. Teaching lexis
2. Teaching grammar

Session 2  (4 ac hours)

3. Teaching phonology
4.Teaching functions

Session 3  (4 ac hours)

5. Teaching receptive skills (reading + listening)
6. Teaching productive skills (speaking + writing)

Session 4  (4 ac hours)

7. Focus on the learner
8. Background to language teaching

TKT Module 2

Session 5  (4 ac hours)

9. Lesson planning
10. Practical activities

Session 6  (4 ac hours)

11. Selection and use of course book resources
12. Selection and use of supplementary resources

TKT Module  3

Session 7  (4 ac hours)

13. Types of learners  and their needs
14. Classroom management 

Session 8  (4 ac hours) 

15. Teacher in the classroom
16. Correcting the learners and giving feedback

TKT Young Learners

Course on methodology of teaching young learners from 6 to 12 for school teachers, language centers and freelance teachers

The course is for you if:

  • You teach English to kids from 6 to 12 individually and in groups;
  • You want to work with this age category but don’t know what to begin with;
  • Your level of English if B1 and higher;
  • You want to bring your teaching to a new level;
  • You want to know how to prepare students for the international exams effectively;
  • You plan to pass TKT and get a certificate proving your knowledge of English language teaching to young learners from 6 to 12.

Lesson format:

  • Webinars in Zoom once a week (20 academic hours)
  • Participants receive a practical hometask which is discussed during the next online lesson with the tutor
  • The course includes not only theoretical knowledge necessary for the exams but also practical ideas that teachers can use in their lessons. All the lessons are in English. The participants are writing a trial TKT YL exam (2 ach).

Length of the course: 20 academic hours.

Aims and objectives of the course:

  • Extend practical skills and knowledge in teaching English to young learners;
  • Consider of the main specific features of the cognitive development of teachers;
  • Learn to choose and use modern learning and teaching materials and additional resources in teaching kids;
  • Exchange of experience on issues of teaching English to children from 6 to 12:
    • Discipline in the lessons;
    • Motivating kids;
    • Assessing progress;
    • Errors and remedial practices;
  • Learn the strategies of effective preparation of kids for the Cambridge English Young Learners: Starters, Movers, Flyers: development of reading, speaking, listening and writing skills;
  • Analyze the speaking part of the Cambridge English Young Learners: Starters, Movers, Flyers;
  • Get familiar with the tasks, terminology, format and strategies for the TKT: Young Learners.

Course content:

  1. Knowledge of young learners and principles of teaching English to young learners
  2. Children’s characteristics as language learners (theory-focused)
    b. Developing children’s learning strategies through language learning
    c. Developing children’s cognitive strategies
    d. Developing children’s communication strategies
  3. Planning and preparing young learner lessons
  4. Lesson planning
    b. Selecting and using coursebooks and supplementary materials
    c. Additional resources – selecting, adapting, and supplementing

       d. Teaching young learners

  1. Scaffolding children’s understanding of language and use of language
    b. Classroom management4. Assessing young learners through classroom-based assessment
  2. Purposes and focusses of assessment
    b. Providing feedback and correction
  3. Cambridge YL Exams: format and preparation
    a. Developing reading, listening and writing for Cambridge YL exams
    b. Helping learners to prepare for the speaking test in Cambridge YL exams
  4. TKT:YL pre-test

(Content and Language Integrated Learning)

Using a meta-subject approach in teaching English to teachers
of secondary schools, language centers and freelancers.

What is CLIL?

For teachers of different subjects teaching them in English, planning teaching and assessing the students.

The method in which teaching is conducted in English and helps not only to test the candidates’ knowledge of techniques for better learning of the language but also to help put them into practice.

Benefits of the method: it develops confidence in learners, facilitates the learning process and communicative skills. TKT: CLIL promotes intercultural perception and understanding of values.

Course format:

The lessons are conducted as webinars (20 academic hours) in Zoom once a week. Every week participants receive a practical hometask that is discussed in the following lesson. TKT: CLIL is an additional TKT module and has the same structure as the other modules. The lessons are fully in English. All the participants of the course are writing a trial TKT YL for 2 academic hours.

Goals and objectives of the TKT CLIL course: ​

  • Introduction to modern trends in the use of meta-subject connections in teaching English based on a communicative methodology;
  • Familiarization with the type of tasks, terminology, format and strategies for successful completion of the TKT CLIL exam;
  • Development of communicative, cognitive and universal learning activities in students;
  • Lesson planning using meta-subject links;
    Selection and use of training materials and various types of tasks;
  • Introduction to the methods and types of student assessment.

Content of the TKT CLIL course:

Week 1 Introduction to the course and TKT:CLIL

Session 1 (2 ac h)  Knowledge of CLIL and principles of CLIL 
a. Aims of CLIL and rationale for CLIL

b. Language across the curriculum

Session 2 (2 ac h)

c. Communication skills across the curriculum
d. Cognitive skills across the curriculu
e. Learning skills across the curriculum

Week 2 Lesson preparation

Session 1 (2 ac h)
a. Planning a lesson or a series of lessons
b. Language demands of subject content and accompanying tasks

Session 2 (2 ac h)
c. Resources including multi-media and visual organisers
d. Materials selection and adaptation
e. Activity types


Week 3 Lesson delivery  (4 ac.h)

Session 1 (2 ac h)

a. Classroom language
b. Scaffolding content and language learning
Session 2 (2 ac h)

c. Methods to help learners develop learning strategies
d. Consolidating learning and differentiation

Week 4    Assessment (4 ac h)

a. Focus of assessment
b. Types of assessment
c.  Support strategies


Week 5   Practical activities and exam format

a. Micro-teaching
b. Exam pre-test 

Length of the course 20 academic hours:

TKT Modules 1,2,3

25 000 руб

The start of the course:
Duration: 8 weeks,
32 AK.hours of 4 AK.hours per week


15 000 руб

The start of the course: – 13.01.2024
Duration: 5 weeks,
20 AK.hours of 4 AK.hours per week


15 000 руб

The start of the course: 
Duration: 5 weeks,
20 AK.hours of 4 AK.hours per week

You can select modules

TKT Module 1

13 500 руб

The start of the course: 
Duration: 4 weeks, 16 days.
hours of 4 AK.hours per week

TKT Module 2

7 500 руб

The start of the course: 
Duration: 2 weeks
8 AK.hours of 4 AK.hours per week

TKT Module 3

7 500 руб

The start of the course:
Duration: 2 weeks
8 AK.hours of 4 AK.hours per week

The teachers of the course:​​

Victoriia Taranova

CAE, CELTA, CELTA YL, Delta – 1,2,3, TKT -1,2,3
Cambridge CELTA, CELT-P/S trainer.


Anastasiia Rybtsova

Senior teacher


Svetlana Ivanova

Cambridge CELT-P trainer.

Elvira Salkinova

CAE, CELTA, CELTA YL, Delta m.2) 
Cambridge CELT-P trainer.


Natalia Demchenko


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