
How to teach English online to kids

Статья написана преподавателем английского Anna Harutyunyan

Talking about online teaching we usually face the question whether it is good or bad? So let`s have a look at pros and cons of online learning and then pass to teaching kids online.

Pros of Online Learning

Universal pace.

Homeschooling means that the student doesn’t have to adjust to the rest of their classmates. This allows you to choose the pace at which it is convenient for the child to learn. Some people need more time to study mathematics, and less time to study English. This can be taken into account in the schedule and save the student from stress and worries that he will not have enough time.

The material is internalized better.

At school, children follow a common curriculum. Having missed even one topic, can be difficult to catch up with the rest of the students, especially in online lessons, where the child may be embarrassed to repeat the question. There is no such a problem during online classes, because all the incomprehensible information can be repeated. This allows the student to study the topic perfectly, rather than catching up with classmates.

Minimizes stress.

A child does not need to be forced to answer in front of everyone and rush to the first lesson early in the morning. Learning takes place in a comfortable and familiar environment where you can relax and focus on your studies. In a classroom where many students gather, it is very easy to get distracted from the teacher’s words.

Fosters self-organization.

By organizing the learning process independently, the child acquires valuable skills in working with time management. Eighty-seven percent of U.S. students said they could get better grades if they learned how to manage their own time. That is, self-discipline, which is given little attention in school, allows you to get the best success for the student.

Self-organization skills will also be needed during the preparation for the EIT, when the child has to work through a large amount of information on his own.

Minimizes conflicts with the teacher.

The relationship between a child, and a teacher is an unpredictable thing. If a child is taking online courses and there is a problem between him and the teacher, an online tutor can be easily replaced by another. It’s easier than changing the school completely and risking the child’s moral health.

Cons of Online Learning

Low level of socialization.

A lot of life skills are not acquired by children in the first place. during lessons, and during breaks, when they communicate with peers. The feeling of belonging to a group builds the student’s self-confidence and develops communication skills. A child who is completely isolated from his peers, who communicated only with his parents, risks approaching adulthood unprepared. This problem can be solved in groups and during games in your free time.

Oversaturation of gadgets.

Doctors advise children not to spend more than two hours a day in front of the computer. Taking into account the time spent on study and leisure time with a gadget, this figure can triple for schoolchildren who choose online learning. This has a bad effect on the student’s eyesight and develops problems with the musculoskeletal system. The child’s body, which has not yet been formed, is not adapted to long-term sitting in one place.

Little practical knowledge.

By studying recorded online courses, the child receives a minimum of practical skills, which has a bad effect on the assimilation of new knowledge. In this case, it is better for parents to hire an online tutor or practice with the child on their own.

Not all teachers integrate online learning well.

Online Learning in some countries has a new niche. Most teachers do not have experience in teaching online, so the quality of their classes is low. If parents decide to choose an online tutor for their child, it is better to look for one on special platforms.

Coming to teaching English online to kids it can be said that it is both a rewarding and enjoyable experience simultaneously. Here are some tips and strategies to help you effectively teach English to young learners in an online setting:

1. Create a Fun and Engaging Learning Environment: Kids respond best to interactive and engaging lessons. Use colorful visuals, props, and online learning platforms that are specifically designed for young learners. Incorporate games, songs, and stories to make the lessons enjoyable and keep their interest.

2. Utilize Visual Aids: Since you are teaching online, make use of visual aids such as flashcards, pictures, and videos. These visual cues can help children understand and remember new vocabulary and concepts more easily.

3. Keep Instructions Simple: When giving instructions, use clear and simple language that children can easily understand. Break down 

complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps. It’s also helpful to show visual demonstrations to accompany your instructions.

4. Encourage Active Participation: Engage children in the lesson by encouraging them to actively participate. Ask questions, play interactive games, and give them opportunities to speak, listen, read, and write in English. Incorporate activities that involve movement so they don’t get bored sitting in front of the screen for too long.

5. Provide Regular Feedback and Positive Reinforcement: Give frequent feedback to the children and praise their efforts. Positive reinforcement helps motivate them and boosts their confidence. Be specific with your feedback, highlighting what they did well and areas they can improve upon.

6. Adapt to Different Learning Styles: Each child has a unique learning style. Some may be visual learners, while others may be auditory or kinesthetic learners. Try to incorporate various teaching methods to cater for different learning styles. Use visual aids, songs, and physical movements to engage different senses.

7. Maintain a Routine: Establish a regular schedule for your online classes. Children thrive on routine and structure, so it’s important to provide a consistent learning experience. Start and end each lessons with a familiar routine to create a sense of familiarity and comfort.

8. Communicate with Parents: Maintain open communication with parents. Keep them informed about their child’s progress, strengths, and areas for improvement. Share resources and suggestions for at-home practice so that parents could support their child’s learning outside the online sessions.

9. Patience and Flexibility: Teaching young learners online requires patience and flexibility. Kids may get distracted easily or encounter technical difficulties. Be patient and understanding, offering support when needed. Adapt your lesson plans if necessary to accommodate any challenges that may arise.

Remember, creating a positive and supportive learning environment is key to teaching English online to kids successfully. Have fun, be enthusiastic, and use your creativity to make the lessons engaging and enjoyable for both you and your young learners.


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