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Акция! Набор на курс CELTA Part-Time Online | 15 марта - 18 мая 2025

In October 2020 the international language centre Language Link (Teacher Training Centre RU053/RU054 authorised by Cambridge Assessment English) launched a series of webinars about Cambridge Assessment English courses and exams. The December meeting was devoted to the Cambridge courses for teachers CELT-P and CELT-S.

The host of the webinar, Victoria Taranova, (CELTA, CELT-P/S Tutor, Local Course Administrator, Assistant Director of Studies at Language Link Taganrog with Cambridge Delta, CELTA, CELTA YL, TKT, CAE) talked to the EFL teachers Yulia Kusmin and Natalia Bologa, who have already finished the CELT-P course.

Natalia Bologa, Online EL teacher

graduated from Yaroslav Mudry Novgorod State University (Theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages and cultures). 

International certificates:  TKT YL, Modules 1-3, CELT-P, English First in London.

Yulia Kusmin, Germany  

runs a multinational studio KusTok in Munster graduated from Kiev National University of Culture and Arts (Management. International Tourism).

International certificates: Teaching English online”, TKT:YL, CELT-P, Teaching Grammar Communicatively” MOOC

The speakers discussed the course structure, shared their impressions and answered the webinar participants’ questions.

What are the courses about? What do candidates need to enrol in a course?

CELT-P is designed for use by education institutions, national and regional governments as part of their teacher development programmes. It is a practical teaching qualification for English language teachers working in primary education (ages 6–12).  CELT-S is a teaching qualification for English language teachers working in secondary education (ages 11–18). Participants for CELT-S/CELT-P should:
  • have a B1 level of English or above on the CEFR. This will generally be confirmed using the Cambridge English Placement Test
  • be currently teaching classes of primary learners for CELT-P (ages 6–12), or secondary learners for CELT-S (ages 11–18), in state or private compulsory education (https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/teaching-english/teaching-qualifications/institutions/celt-p/) 
Sometimes teachers who want to do the courses do not have their own students of the needed age, or they work only one-to-one and do not have any required groups with the minimum of 4 students. Our centre can offer specially organised online groups of young learners for the course teaching practice.

How is the course work organised? What exactly do candidates do?

The course consists of several components. All of them contribute to the final result.

1) Online modules

At the beginning of the course candidates get access to the Cambridge online platform where they can find all the course material. The material is divided into modules. The CELT-P course consists of 9 modules; the CELT-S course includes 8 modules. It is recommended to do one module per month. To do all tasks of one module requires 8-12 hours of work. Candidates can revisit the online tasks and do them again if they wish to revise the material. The candidates are allowed to use the platform during 18 months after the course completion. 

The online modules cover all the essential teaching areas: 

  • learner characteristics, learner needs and the learning/teaching process 
  • language awareness and language analysis 
  • teaching language systems (grammar, lexis, functions, phonology) 
  • teaching language skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking) 
  • planning lessons and exploiting materials 
  • classroom management 
  • assessment. 

The platform materials provide the course candidates with some recommendations how to use the material practically with the students they teach. Also, some extra reading tips are provided.

2) Portfolio tasks

At the end of every module candidates can find a written assignment, which is called a portfolio task. The task is based on the module material and requires some action in the classroom. Usually, candidates are instructed to plan and set an activity or teach a lesson and to write self-evaluation. The completed template of the portfolio task and all the materials used for the task are uploaded to the candidate’s online portfolio. Tutors check these works and give detailed written feedback on them. If a portfolio task needs correction, a candidate can resubmit the task using their tutor’s feedback. If a candidate needs some more help, they can negotiate a one-to-one online meeting with a tutor.

3) Webinars

Every month tutors hold webinars. The main aim of a webinar is to consolidate the online work, to revise the module material and to discuss the portfolio task to help the course candidates to pass it on the first submission. 

The exact dates and time of every webinar and the Zoom links are provided at the beginning of every month by the course administrator. If a candidate cannot participate, the recording is available after every webinar.

4) Observed teaching practice

The course programme includes teaching three observed lessons. The lessons must be delivered in groups which consist of minimum four students, offline or online. Candidates upload lesson plans, materials and self-evaluation to the platform. The recordings are sent via email. The course tutors observe the lessons and give detailed written feedback. The first and second TP feedback is developmental. These TPs are not graded. The third teaching practice is graded (Pass or Merit). This result influences the final course result.

5) TKT

To get a CELT-P certificate, candidates must pass the TKT YL exam. To get a CELT-S certificate, candidates must pass TKT Module 1. These exams are not included in the CELT-P/S course price; they are taken separately. If a candidate has already taken a required TKT module, this result will be accepted. If a candidate does not have a required TKT certificate, they must find an authorised exam centre, register for the TKT exam and take it to get a result by the end of the CELT-P/S course. The nearest exam centre can be found with the help of the Cambridge website: https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/find-a-centre/find-an-exam-centre/. Candidates do not need any additional preparation for the TKT exam because the course materials ensure sufficient preparation for TKT.

To get a CELT-P or CELT-S certificate, candidates have to meet the requirements provided in the table below. There are three possible results: Pass, Merit or Fail.

How does the final assessment work?

To get a CELT-P or CELT-S certificate, candidates have to meet the requirements provided in the table below. There are three possible results: Pass, Merit or Fail.

How does Cambridge check the courses?

Cambridge assigns a moderator for every course, who checks the course tutors’ work and the candidates’ progress. Moderators write a report after each Moderation and send this to Cambridge English. The report is read by a Senior Assessment Manager to ensure everything is running smoothly and is used at Results Review at the end of the course.

The process of the final course moderation and certification takes up to 10 weeks. After that certificates are issued and sent to the centre. The centre sends the certificates to the candidates. 

The course tutors are experienced teachers who have been trained and certified by Cambridge Assessment English. All the tutors have such certificates as CELTA, TKT, CELTA YL, Delta, CAE/CPE. 

We have just described the technical side of the courses. If you want to get some feedback from the course participants, please, watch the recording of our webinar to listen to Yulia Kusmin and Natalia Bologa

Who are the tutors? 

The course tutors are experienced teachers who have been trained and certified by Cambridge Assessment English. All the tutors have such certificates as CELTA, TKT, CELTA YL, Delta, CAE/CPE. 

We have just described the technical side of the courses. If you want to get some feedback from the course participants, please, watch the recording of our webinar to listen to Yulia Kusmin and Natalia Bologa



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