
How to prepare for the IELTS on your own?

Статья написана преподавателем английского Anna Harutyunyan

Preparing for the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) on your own requires dedication and a structured approach. Here are some steps to help you get ready:

1. Understand the Test Format:

Familiarize yourself with the IELTS test format, including the sections (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking), question types, time limits, and scoring criteria. You can find this information on the official IELTS website or in IELTS preparation books.

2. Assess Your Current Level:

Take a practice test to evaluate your current proficiency level in each section. This will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and determine how much preparation you need.

3. Set Goals and a Study Schedule:

Establish specific goals for each section of the IELTS and create a study schedule that suits your availability and learning style. Allocate dedicated time for each section, focusing on areas that require improvement.

4. Build Vocabulary:

Enhance your vocabulary by reading a variety of English materials such as books, newspapers, magazines, and online articles. Make a list of unfamiliar words and learn their meanings, usage, and synonyms.

5. Develop Reading Skills:

Practice reading intensively and extensively. Read academic texts, opinion pieces, and other materials that reflect the topics covered in the IELTS. Improve your skimming and scanning skills to quickly locate information.

6. Enhance Listening Skills:

Listen to a range of English audio materials, including news segments, podcasts, interviews, and lectures. Focus on understanding the main ideas, supporting details, and key arguments. Note important points and practice summarizing what you’ve heard.

7. Practice Writing Tasks:

Familiarize yourself with different writing task types and practice writing essays, reports, and letters within the time limits. Seek feedback from others or use online resources that provide sample answers and examiner assessments.

8. Polish Speaking Skills:

Record yourself speaking on various topics, paying attention to fluency, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. Practice speaking regularly, simulate the speaking test environment, and consider finding a speaking partner or using online platforms for practice.

9. Take Mock Tests:

Regularly take full-length practice tests to assess your progress and become accustomed to the test conditions. Analyze your performance and identify areas that need further improvement.

10. Utilize Resources:

Use reliable IELTS preparation materials, such as official IELTS study guides, practice books, online tutorials, sample tests, and mobile apps. These resources offer structured guidance and can help you understand the test requirements.

Each language part has its own characteristics. To face them directly  means to choose the right tactics in preparation for the exam from the very beginning. Let’s take a closer look at them.

Features of Writing preparation

60 minutes are given for the written part during the international IELTS exam. It is important to strictly adhere to them. It is better to divide the given hour into three stages – 20 minutes for the first part, the same amount for the second, and the remaining 20 minutes to editing. The WRITING for each module consists of two parts: when taking about IELTS Academic, describe schedules, processes, and write essays on an academic topic; IELTS General is a letter to a friend, a boss, an application somewhere, and an essay on a mundane topic. In a written assignment, consistency, consistency of presentation, and the presence of specific facts are valued. The text should have an introduction and a conclusion, and its “body” should be divided into paragraphs. One of the advantages is beautiful handwriting. To prepare for this part of IELTS, use life hacks:

  • Include writing in your daily routine.
  • Improve your handwriting, it should be at least understandable.
  • Pay attention to grammar, and for this, stock up on the best textbooks to prepare for IELTS. It would be good if these are new editions by foreign authors. 
  • Find practical exercises for the writing part on the Internet. Try to complete each one in the given time (this will help you not to get confused during the exam and meet the very hour).

Features of preparing for Listening

You will have 40 minutes to pass the Listening module, and during this time you have the opportunity to listen to the texts only once. So you should also include Listening in your daily IELTS preparation plan. In 30 minutes, you will have to listen to four small monologues or dialogues, the difficulty increases from the first to the last. Then, in the remaining 10 minutes, they are asked to answer 40 questions in a special questionnaire. Excellent listening scores will be in your pocket if:

Every day listen to programs, movies, radio with English speech, learn to understand fluent speech. It is useful to complete online assignments from IELTS practice tests. Try to write down the answers to the questions right away.

Features of Reading preparation

The “Reading” block requires a huge vocabulary and the ability to determine the essence and idea of the text. In the exam for the Academic module, three texts of an academic nature are expected. In the General module, the number can be increased to 5 because the topic is easier. In addition to reading, there will be 40 questions. You have 60 minutes to do everything. As you study English, in preparation for this IELTS phase, focus on: 

Reading (you need to read a lot, you can’t do without it). Mastering the technique of speed reading (you need to learn to read diagonally).

Ability to identify the main essence of the text. To do this, practice highlighting the cause, effect, comparison, etc., in each text you read. If you are preparing to take the Academic test, then read popular science articles stuffed with terms and complex constructions. Fiction, newspapers, and magazines are enough to pass the “reading” in the General module.

Features of Preparing for Speaking

The speaking part takes only 10-15 minutes on the test. In fact, it is just a conversation with the examiner, consisting of three stages: a conversation about hobbies and interests, preparing a speech on a given topic, and answering additional questions. Of course, it is best to study with a teacher, but it is also quite possible to prepare for IELTS speaking on your own. Here are some tips:

Listen to the English speech and repeat each sentence after the speaker. This will improve the accent and help to develop the right pace and rhythm of speech.

Find people to talk to – surf thematic forums and register on dating sites. The main thing is that the interlocutor is a native speaker.

Record your speech on a tape recorder, then listen to it again. It is important to understand your weaknesses here. At the beginning of the journey, it is recommended to write down your answers on paper, supplement them with bundles and words on the topic. Gradually abandon written work, try to answer without a prepared text. 

Remember to maintain consistency, manage your time effectively, and focus on your weaker areas during your self-study journey. It may also be helpful to join online forums or seek guidance from experienced IELTS tutors to clarify any doubts or questions you may have.


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