
Title: Exploring New Year Holidays Around the World

Автор статьи преподаватель Anna Harutyunyan


  • Greet the audience and introduce yourself.
  • Begin with an engaging opening statement or anecdote related to the New Year holidays to capture their attention.

Slide 1: Title slide

  • Display the title of the presentation: “Exploring New Year Holidays Around the World.”
  • Include relevant visuals or background images that represent the concept of New Year celebrations.

Slide 2: Objectives

  • Clearly state the objectives of the presentation, such as: 
  • To explore different New Year holidays celebrated worldwide.
  • To learn about unique customs and traditions associated with each celebration.
  • To appreciate and understand the significance of cultural diversity.

Slide 3: New Year's Eve vs. New Year's Day

  • Explain the distinction between New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, highlighting how they are observed in different countries.
  • Show examples of notable New Year’s Eve celebrations (e.g., Times Square ball drop, fireworks displays) and New Year’s Day traditions (e.g., polar bear plunges, first-footing in Scotland).

Slide 4: Popular New Year Celebrations

  • Present a list of popular New Year celebrations around the world, such as:
  • Chinese New Year (China)
  • Songkran (Thailand)
  • Diwali (India)
  • Hogmanay (Scotland)
  • Carnival (Brazil)

Slide 5: Chinese New Year

  • Provide information about Chinese New Year, including:
  • The date it is celebrated (based on the lunar calendar).
  • Key customs and traditions, like lion and dragon dances, red envelopes, and the significance of the color red.
  • Display visuals or photos of Chinese New Year festivities.

Slide 6: Songkran

  • Discuss Songkran, the Thai New Year celebration, by including details like:
  • The dates it is celebrated (April 13-15).
  • The Water Festival and its significance in cleansing and purification.
  • Images or videos showcasing people participating in water fights and cultural activities during Songkran.

Slide 7: Diwali

  • Share information about Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, covering topics such as:
  • The timing of the festival (fall season) and its duration.
  • The lighting of oil lamps, fireworks displays, and the exchange of sweets and gifts.
  • Show images depicting colorful rangoli patterns, diyas (lamps), and festivities.

Slide 8: Hogmanay

  • Explore Hogmanay, the Scottish New Year celebration, highlighting:
  • Traditional customs like the “first-footing” tradition and the singing of Auld Lang Syne.
  • Other activities such as torchlight processions and fire festivals.
  • Include images featuring kilts, bagpipes, and Scottish celebrations.

Slide 9: Carnival

  • Introduce Carnival, the vibrant Brazilian New Year celebration, by covering:
  • The dates of Carnival (40 days before Easter, usually February or March).
  • The elaborate parades, vibrant costumes, and samba music.
  • Display colorful pictures or videos representing Carnival in Brazil.

Slide 10: Conclusion

  • Recap the main points discussed about New Year holidays around the world.
  • Highlight the importance of embracing cultural diversity and appreciating different traditions.
  • Encourage the audience to incorporate elements from various celebrations into their own New Year festivities.

Slide 11: Questions and Discussion

  • Open the floor for questions or comments from the audience.
  • Engage in a discussion about their own New Year holiday experiences or any interesting traditions they would like to share.


  • Thank the audience for their attention and participation.
  • Reiterate the significance of understanding and celebrating New Year traditions from different cultures.
  • End with a closing thought or inspirational quote about the New Year holidays.

Note: Customize the content and visuals according to the specific New Year holidays you want to cover and the time available for your presentation.


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