
Games for Getting Acquainted with Teenagers

Статья написана преподавателем английского Anna Harutyunyan

Building a positive and friendly relationship with teenagers can be a rewarding experience. Here are some tips to help you get acquainted with them:

1. Be approachable:

Create an environment where teenagers feel comfortable approaching you. Smile, maintain open body language, and show genuine interest in what they have to say.

2. Listen actively:

When engaging in conversations with teenagers, practice active listening. Show that you value their thoughts and opinions by giving them your full attention and avoiding interruptions.

3. Respect their boundaries:

Understand that teenagers might need personal space and time alone. Respect their privacy by not prying into their personal matters unless they voluntarily share them with you.

4. Find common interests:

Discover shared interests or hobbies that can serve as conversation starters. This could be anything from music, movies, sports, books, or even current events. Showing interest in their passions will help you connect on a deeper level.

5. Be non-judgmental:

Teenagers often deal with self-doubt and insecurities. Create a safe and non-judgmental space where they feel comfortable expressing themselves without fear of criticism. Avoid making negative judgments or dismissive comments.

6. Offer guidance and support:

Teenagers appreciate having someone they can turn to for guidance and support. Be available to listen and offer advice when they seek it. However, avoid being too controlling or intrusive in their decision-making process.

7. Engage in activities together:

Participate in activities that appeal to teenagers, such as watching a movie, playing a sport, or attending a concert. Inviting them to join you in hobbies or events that align with their interests can help strengthen your relationship.

8. Maintain appropriate boundaries:

While it’s important to bond with teenagers, it’s crucial to maintain appropriate boundaries. Be mindful of the generation gap and avoid overstepping boundaries that could make them uncomfortable.

9. Show empathy and understanding:

Teenagers go through various emotional challenges and transitions. Show empathy and understanding towards their feelings and experiences. Offer support and let them know you are there to listen without judgment.

10. Be patient:

Building relationships takes time, especially with teenagers who may be experiencing emotional ups and downs. Be patient and consistent in your interactions, allowing the bond to develop naturally over time.

Remember, every teenager is unique, so don’t expect immediate connections or expect everyone to respond the same way. Tailor your approach based on their individual personalities and interests, and always prioritize their well-being and comfort.

However, using games can be a fun and effective way to break the ice and create a comfortable atmosphere for everyone involved. Here are some game ideas that can help you get acquainted with teenagers:

1. Two Truths and a Lie: This classic game is a great way for teenagers to learn more about each other. Each person takes turns sharing three statements about themselves – two truths and one lie. The rest of the group tries to guess which statement is the lie, sparking conversation and providing insight into each other’s lives.

2. Human Bingo: Create a bingo board with different characteristics or experiences written in each square, such as “has traveled out of the country” or “plays a musical instrument.” Each 

teenager mingles and tries to find someone who fits each description. The first person to fill their bingo board wins, and they can share more about themselves along the way.

3. Name and Fact: In this game, each teenager shares their name along with an interesting fact about themselves. This not only helps everyone remember each other’s names but also provides an opportunity for deeper conversations as they ask questions about each other’s facts.

4. Would You Rather: Create a list of “Would You Rather” questions, such as “Would you rather have the ability to fly or become invisible?” Each teenager takes turns answering the questions and explaining their choices. This game encourages teenagers to share their preferences and discuss their reasons, fostering a sense of connection.

5. Two-Minute Interviews: Pair up the teenagers and give them two minutes to interview each other. Prepare a list of questions they can ask, 

such as “What’s your favorite hobby?” or “What’s the most memorable trip you’ve been on?” After the interviews, they can introduce their partner to the rest of the group, sharing what they learned during the conversation.

6. Around the World: This game requires some preparation but is worth the effort. Create a large world map and place it in the center of the room. Each teenager takes turns sharing a place they would like to visit and why, sticking a pin on that location on the map. This game not only helps them learn about each other’s interests but also sparks conversations about travel, culture, and aspirations.

Remember, the key to successful acquaintance games is to promote a relaxed and inclusive environment. Encourage active listening, respect for others’ opinions, and a non-judgmental atmosphere. Building connections with teenagers takes time, but by incorporating these fun games into your interactions, you can create a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.


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